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Sunset Sarsaparilla Vending Machine

Personal project of remastering props from some of my favorite games. In this case I choose to re-create the Sunset Sarsaparilla vending machine from Obsidian's Fallout New Vegas. I also choose to create the crates and bottles in order to make a diorama.

Sunset Sarsaparilla Diorama

Sunset Sarsaparilla Diorama

Sunset Sarsaparilla Diorama Wireframe

Sunset Sarsaparilla Diorama Wireframe

Sunset Sarsaparilla Final Model

Sunset Sarsaparilla Final Model

Sunset Sarsaparilla Wireframe Final Model

Sunset Sarsaparilla Wireframe Final Model

Sunset Sarsaparilla Crate Model

Sunset Sarsaparilla Crate Model

Sunset Sarsaparilla Bottle Model

Sunset Sarsaparilla Bottle Model

Marmoset Viewer

Vending Machine Texture Set: UVs, Base Color, Normal

Vending Machine Texture Set: UVs, Base Color, Normal

Vending Machine Texture Set: Roughness, Metallic, AO

Vending Machine Texture Set: Roughness, Metallic, AO

Crate Texture Set: UVs, Base Color, Normal

Crate Texture Set: UVs, Base Color, Normal

Crate Texture Set: Roughness, Metallic, AO

Crate Texture Set: Roughness, Metallic, AO

Bottle Texture Set: UVs, Base Color, Normal

Bottle Texture Set: UVs, Base Color, Normal

Bottle Texture Set: Roughness, Metallic, AO

Bottle Texture Set: Roughness, Metallic, AO

Vending Machine High Poly Model

Vending Machine High Poly Model

Vending Machine Low Poly Model

Vending Machine Low Poly Model

Crate High Poly Model

Crate High Poly Model

Crate Low Poly Model

Crate Low Poly Model

Bottle High Poly Model

Bottle High Poly Model

Bottle Low Poly Model

Bottle Low Poly Model